Plug & Play are two little robot friends trying to find their way through an odd factory filled with danger.

You are Play. Your friend is Plug. Avoid enemies, jump through platforms and protect your little friend Plug from danger (he's not very smart).

Team Members

Amerigo de Pisapia > Game Designer

Matteo Cordioli > Programmer


Plug& 30 MB


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Well, I was enjoying it...until the first level.  How do you get past the monsters?  I couldn't seem to trigger a fall and then get away in time--is it just really, really careful timing, or is there a technique I'm missing?

It's a really careful timing. We are planning to increase the window in which the player can pass, many other friends of us noticed it. We are gonna patch it when the voting of the jam will be closed. This should ensure a better experience for all the player! Hope to have your opinions when the game will be patched!